About Argentine Economy
Argentina is the third largest economy in Latin America, behind Brazil and Mexico. According to IMF data for 2012, its GDP in terms of purchasing power parity reached US$ 751.391million. Its GDP per capita in 2012, measured in purchasing power parity was of US$18.201.

In the prestigious Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013prepared by the World Economic Forum, Argentina is ranked 94th among 144 economies analyzed, and has been placed within the group of 21 developing economies that are ‘in transition to’ the last stage of development: the ‘innovation-driven economies’ (35 developed economies).
Argentine Exports of Services
In its report about the performance of Free Exchange Market during 2012, the Argentine Central Bank (BCRA) issued preliminary data stating that Argentine exports of business and professional services showed a positive net balance (revenue minus expenses) of 3,100 million dollars during 2012, representing over a twofold increase as compared to the previous year.